Snuff Film

Image of Snuff Film


Well... The wait's finally over. For all you dudes and dudettes who didn't get the tape, or ordered the tape but was jipped out of your US coin, City Records has this ultimate piece of noise rock available for mass consumption on quality vinyl. Make any comparisons you want but I just can't put my finger on what the hell Ecoli/Migraine were trying to do... Maybe make your ears bleed. At points you wonder if the guys making this record were on mescaline but most of the time the tunes are so in your face that the listener can't help but gnash teeth, fidget in their chair and wonder if their parents were right, if their life really is going no where ("Fuck you mom. Fuck you dad."). This record is devoid of any punk cliches (hating cops/reality/puberty/chicks) and is self actualizing. Kind of like Baudrillard or Eco. The record becomes human and you become nothing. Hate your family. Hate your friends. Listen to this record. Your a product of the simulacra.